DFHRS - Valencia 2003

The computation of the DFHRS database for the geoid of Valencia was done in a cooperation between the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, the Instituto Cartigrafico Valencia (ICV) and the RaD project DFHBF at IAF/HSKA in 2003.

The quality of DFRHS database (geoid) is about (1 – 3) cm. The fig. below shows the situation of the identical points (B,L,h|H) used for the geoid computation for Valencia with the DFHRS approach stage 1, formulas (2a-f).

The results were presented on the EUREF Symposium in Toledo, 2003 (Poster-Download (pdf)).

Fig.: Situation of the identical points (B,L,h|H) used for the computation of the < 5 cm Geoid of Valencia